Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!!!

Today is my birthday and I am staying late after school to do the best thing a teacher could be doing on her birthday! You see, I have spent the whole year teaching with little to no supplies. I have scrounged around and made my own games. I have brought things like markers and teaching resource books from home all year long. But a few weeks ago, some grant money came through and I got to place my order. And today I am unpacking all these boxes. Such richness: a stapler, pencil sharpener, and three-holed punch for my room. Dozens of math games, manipulatives, and demonstration materials. Plenty of paper, glue, pencils, markers and more. And neat little storage bins to organize it all. It's just like Christmas---actually it's like my birthday! Happy birthday to me!

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