Thursday, April 8, 2010

Exploring Careers

I wrote about this website last year, but didn't get my students using it as much as I have been doing with them lately. The website is:
There is a variety of information on there including a "math arcade" where students can play games that help them with specific skills.

But this week I asked my students to do a little research into careers using this website. I typed up a worksheet that has two parts. The first part asks them to list a career or occupation and then tell how many math skills are used by someone in that field. They then have to list some of the math skills listed for that job. This is accomplished by clicking on "math jobs". The second half of the worksheet has the students list a math skill and how many careers in the database require that math skill. They then list a few of the careers. A simple click on one of the math skills gives this information.

The worksheets make an impressive display on my wall and students can see not only that math is important in everyday life, but that being proficient at math skills will give them more careeer options.


Unknown said...

Showing that math is needed everyday is one of the challenges of getting through to the kids.

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, is having a contest where every teacher in your school can win a free gift! Check out the contest at

mhb said...

It certainly is a challenge! Thanks for the tip Tracy--I'll check out the contest!