Monday, April 5, 2010

One Hundred Eighty Degrees

There is an activity I like to do to help kids remember that the number of degrees in a straight line and the sum of the angles in a triangle are the same number. It is a good visual demonstration to drive the point home.

On a piece of paper draw a straight line using a ruler. This can also be done on an overehead transparency if you are demonstrating it for a whole class. Have several triangles cut out of construction paper. I ususally have one that is scalene, one that is isosceles, and one that is equilateral. Tear off the three angles of the triangle and arrange them with their points together on the straight line. I do this with each of the three different triangles.

Some years, I have told the class that I would give ten dollars to anyone that could come up with a triangle that had angles that didn't fit together on a straight line. But I am sure that I will never have to pay up, because it works for every triangle every time!

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