Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Math Tic Tac Toe

Kids have been playing tic tac toe for years and this is a format that can be used to reinforce any skill from basic facts and fractions to algebra and order of operations.

Make 9 to 12 cards with math problems on them. Make a tic tac toe board with the answers to the problems in each of the nine spaces. Laminate (and color code if desired) the cards and board.

The cards are spread out face down and players decide who will be "X" and who will be "O". Players draw a card and do the problem on the card on their scratch paper. They mark the answer on the board with their mark using a write on/wipe off pen or different colored discs. The first to get three in a row wins the round. Extra cards that don't have answers on the board, make the game more lively. The ability to win is based on chance as well as skill.

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